
  • José Rodrigues Ferreira Júnior Universidade Evangélica de Goiás - UniEVANGÉLICA


Prescription, Decadence, Racism, Racial slur


This article aims to critically analyze, in light of the Federal Constitution of
1988, Brazilian Penal Code and law 7,716/89, the judgment carried out by the Federal
Supreme Court - STF on the occasion of Habeas Corpus 154,248 which recognized the
imprescriptibility of the crime of libel, typified in art. 140, §3 of the Brazilian Penal Code.
The central question, which we intend to answer, is the following: with the understanding that
the crime of racial injury is imprescriptible, is it appropriate to speak of non-exercise of
criminal prosecution due to inertia? Therefore, it will be sought to understand the hermeneutic
criteria used in the decision rendered in HC 154,248 of the STF that equated the crime of
injury to the crime of racism for the purpose of recognizing imprescriptibility; as well as
analyzing whether, due to the type of criminal action in which the crime of injury is
processed, it is possible for the State-judge to exercise its ius puniendi regardless of the
victim's will. For this analysis, we opted to carry out a survey of the specialized bibliography,
legislation and jurisprudence, using the compilation method.

Author Biography

José Rodrigues Ferreira Júnior, Universidade Evangélica de Goiás - UniEVANGÉLICA

Mestre profissional em direito, justiça e desenvolvimento pelo IDP – São Paulo. Professor de direito
constitucional no curso de direito da Universidade Evangélica de Goiás. Advogado


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