The Role Of The Public Defender On The Rights Of The Hypossuficientlys: An analysis of access to Justice at the Execution of the Sentence


  • Isabella Siqueira de Luna Faculdade Metropolitana de Manaus
  • Danilo Cordova



Public Defender, Prison system, Execution of the sentence


In the face of the current scenario of the judicial system and the prison system of the state of Amazonas, it has already become common the occurrence of judicial activism in the execution of the sentence, and therefore the violation of the rights of the apenate, priority in cases when the jailed is hypossufficiently. The research alone would present the "unconstitutional state of affairs" that is found in the current Brazilian prison system and how the Public Defender of the State ensures the rights of those assisted in the execution of the sentence. Moreover, it is certain that there is a consensus in the role of the Public Defender, however, the lack of information about the body and its form of activity persists, especially under the public to whom the said body aims to ensure. In this way, throughout the work will be presented information on the topic, as well as suggestions for the better functioning of the body in the state of Amazonas. Demonstrate how the execution of the sentence occurs, assess its consequences in the prison system, and how the supervision of the Public Defender is fundamental in such cases. To explain in a concise way the organizational model that is adopted by the body in question.


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