
  • Marcos Flávio Portela Veras Universidade Evangélica de Goiás - UniEVANGÉLICA
  • Yasmin Dmikelly Alves Cardoso Universidade Evangélica de Goiás - UniEVANGÉLICA



Immigration, Legislation, Annapolis, Opportunities


The historical context of immigration and labor activities in Anápolis goes
directly back to the period of colonization, in which the Portuguese and other travelers used
the municipality as a strategic point, aiming for economic exploration and land appropriation.
Given the intensification of the migratory flow, the purpose of this study is to elucidate the
aspects that permeate the issue of the rights and socioeconomic challenges of immigrants in
that municipality, since, among the motivations for migrating is the possibility of entering the
job market, a since they envision remuneration for their work activities, which will enable
their subsistence. In this way, both qualification/training and access to information are
essential for individuals who are in a state of economic and legal insufficiency to be able to
fulfill the requirements required for the positions they are interested in and obtain the
knowledge to use public services, knowing their rights and duties towards the new society
they are integrating. Qualitative research methodology was used, covering literature review,
data collection, observation and interviews.


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