Transaction Costs And Externalities In Rural Leasing Agreements Of Family Farmers' Cooperative In Goiás


  • André Luiz Aidar Alves
  • Eloisa Arantes Ostrosky Universidade Federal de Goiás
  • Thiago Lopes Rodrigues



rural leasing, family farmers, cooperative, transaction costs, externalities


The issue of land exploration in Brazil is old and controversial. In addition to the
historical aspect, land exploration contracts must be studied from a legal and economic
perspective. The objective of this article is to analyze the occurrence of transaction costs and
externalities in rural leasing contracts entered into by cooperative family farmers of the Mixed
Cooperative of Small Polvilho and Cassava Derivatives Producers in the Cará Region –
Cooperabs. The data obtained point to the impact of transaction costs on the execution of land
leasing contracts and the occurrence of negative externalities that are a factor of concern for
family farmers.

Author Biographies

Eloisa Arantes Ostrosky, Universidade Federal de Goiás

Mestre em Agronegócio (UFG), graduada em Ciências Econômicas

Thiago Lopes Rodrigues

Mestrando em Agronegócio (UFG), graduado em Engenharia Agronômica (UNESP),


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