Friedrich Hegel, Right And Episteme In The Modern State


  • Gilson Xavier de Azevedo



Philosophy of law, Hegel, Modern state


The purpose of this paper is to discuss some of the elementary aspects of Friedrich Hegel's theory with regard to his contributions to the field of law. It begins with three basic works: Phenomenology of the spirit, Encyclopaedia of the philosophical sciences and Principles of philosophy of the right. The article analyzes Hegel's position on the epistemological question and from this, his critique of the state of nature, as well as his understanding of the state of freedom and the rule of law. Finally, the article considers the conception of law and state within the political concepts that moved the German ideology of a Rational State. This study is justified by the initiative of building a work made in many hands that understands the modern thought that founded since the French Revolution (1979) the Republican State and its aspects. It begins with the problematic that Hegel's contribution would be unique in the understanding of a philosophy for the understanding of the post-revolution right, since it embraces all the wisdom listened by naturalistic justices, besides revisiting the Aristotelian political conception with primor. The hypothesis that works is that Hegel hits in some points by understanding the State as a Rational instance. The methodology adopted is that of an exploratory and review study. It is believed that the present text preposes essential subsidies of an in depth philosophical discussion serving debates in the process of academic formation.


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