The New Paradigms of the Legal Business After the New York Convention


  • Mariane Morato Stival Centro Universitário de Anápolis
  • Katia Rúbia da Silva Paz Centro Universitário de Anápolis
  • Caio Abner de Souza Peixoto Centro Universitário de Anápolis



Convention, Civil capacity, Juridic business


The New York Convention, ratified in 2008 by Brazil, has broadened the concept of civilian capacity so that it now reaches all people with disabilities. This article deals with the effects of the postulation of the New York Convention on the legal business concluded by people with intellectual disabilities, since now, regardless of the degree of disability, all the acts practiced by such persons reach full validity, which can mean damages. The work has as challenge to present solutions to the gaps left by the Disability Statute, a law that regulated the New York Convention. To this end, the International Treaty is addressed at the outset, as well as its impact on Brazilian law; studies the fundamental concepts of capacity and legal business; and, finally, it looks for to indicate the possible practical solutions. The methodology used was bibliographical, using national and international theory.


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