importance The Importance of the Use of Tools That Works the Entrepreneurial Intelligence of the Preparation For Competitors in the Area Of Law


  • Juliane dos Reis Lara Ponce Ruiz Centro Universitário da Grande Dourados (UNIGRAN)
  • Leandro Correa Barboza Centro Universitário da Grande Dourados (UNIGRAN)



Emotional intelligence, Self knowledge, Righit, Psychology


The majority of law students have the objective of providing public tenders, because in addition to the remuneration, there is the safety and stability in the career however, most cannot reach this goal, due to lack of preparation, insecurity, Nervousness and demotivation some even dominate the knowledge of law, laws and doctrines, but the lack of emotional domain, causes them to give up the contest and even to exercise the right profession, even having a wide range of areas to work in the career The frustration suffered prevents them from achieving their goals. This paper makes a bibliographical review that demonstrates that with the correct use of tools that develop the emotional intelligence of candidates who provide contests, they can achieve better results.


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