Gadamer And Ricouer: Between Truth And Ideology


  • José Roberto Bonome
  • Fabrício Wantoil Lima
  • Kerllen Rosa da Cunha Bonome



Truth, Method, Ideology, Interpretation, Hermeneutics


researches relating to interpretation and understanding pass, necessarily, in two classics of hermeneutics, Hans-Georg Gadamer (1900-2002) and Paul Ricoeur (1913-2005). On Gadamer – Truth and method, from 1960, is an elaborate theory, but a hermeneutic philosophy, where approaches, by the method, the truth expressed in the text to the subjectivity of the author of the text, the reader's subjectivity lies with the subjectivity of the writer. In Ricoeur, the authors for the reflections contained in this article highlight the theme of ideology and utopia.


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