Brazilian restorative justice


  • Valeria Eleonora de Alencar Lawyer



Juvenile criminal law, Justice restorative, retributive justice, criminal mediation, conciliation and repair the damage, victim, procedure in the phase of investigation and procedure in the implementation phase


Restorative justice responds to a way of understanding the justice that approaches the one that should guide juvenile justice; that is, a material justice, more equitable, that takes into account the circumstances of the case and the needs of the parties, without leaving aside the proportionality with the crime committed. With Law No. 8.069 / 90 (Statute of Children and Adolescents), which regulates the criminal responsibility of children and adolescents, the juvenile responsibility system underwent a revolutionary change with respect to the old tutelary, protective and correctional model of the past. The strategy chosen by the delinquents who are not of legal age was channeled through education and linked to restorative justice. With Law no. 9.099/95, as in the Regulation that develops it, reference is made to the concepts of conciliation and reparation as possible materialisations of the mediation process and, therefore, of restorative justice, in which the role of the victim acquires a special importance.

Author Biography

Valeria Eleonora de Alencar, Lawyer

Abogada. Profesora. Master en Menores en Situación de Desprotección y Conflicto Social


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