
  • Adrian Fernandes Almeida de Oliveira Centro Universitário de Anápolis - UNIEVANGÉLICA
  • Alessandro Nunes da Costa Centro Universitário de Anápolis - UNIEVANGÉLICA
  • Eumar Evangelista de Menezes Júnior Centro Universitário de Anápolis - UNIEVANGÉLICA
  • Lucas Silva Bernardes Centro Universitário de Anápolis - UNIEVANGÉLICA



Ata Notarial., Propriedades., Meio Probatório., Precedentes


This study presents the theoretical and practical plan on a public act that gained significant contours with the edition of Law 13105 of 2015, applied in the Brazilian legal field, called Ata Notarial. The article brings a historical, descriptive and material design of the instrument, serving as a bridge to new studies and direction to jurists who progressively use it. Drawn up by the Notary of Notes, using its public faith, in attention to the request of the interested party, it will be found facts, situations or circumstances in a reliable way without the assessment of judgment, opinion or conclusion. Considering the public faith of the notary, such an instrument can be used as a means of proof in the administrative and judicial sphere, given that the presumption of veracity is juris tantum in relation to the facts described therein, corroborating the formation of the conviction of the judgment. Validated by Bobbio's Theory of Legal Norm, the probant force of the Minutes is attested by the jurisprudential understandings of the Egrégios Tribunais. To achieve success, the interpretative-doctrinal method was used, using the deductive approach and the bibliographic procedure.


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