Evaluation of the knowledge of dental surgeons of the municipal health network of Anápolis in the prevention of infective endocarditis


  • Ana Luisa Dario
  • Brenda Lopes Cruz
  • Lorena Cardoso Achcar
  • Renata Cordeiro de Oliveira
  • Wilson José Mariano Júnior




Aim: to analyze the knowledge of dental surgeons who works in the public health system of Anápolis, in the Basic Health Unit (BHU) and Family Health Strategy (FHS), on infective endocarditis and its prevention in the daily practice of care.Methodology: This is an observational, qualiquantitative and cross-sectional study using a questionnaire with subjective and objective questions, which was performed in the city of Anápolis with a total of 43 participants, all dentists working in the public network of Anápolis: in the BHU and FHS. Results: professionals interviewed presented difficulties in the indication, dosage and frequency of antibiotic prophylaxis, in addition to indications of risk procedures and systemic conditions that predispose to IE.Conclusion: The majority of professionals interviwed did not demonstrate knowledge about the protocol used as prophylactic measure for endocarditis. Therefore, it is suggested that the dentist should always keep up to date, have access to recycling courses avoiding the use of wrong protocols.

