
  • Gilson Xavier de Azevedo Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás - PUC-GO
  • Matheus Alves de Almeida Faculdade Quirinópolis - FAQUI
  • Silas Alves de Sousa Faculdade Quirinópolis - FAQUI




Michel Foucault., Microfísica., Direito., Política., Poder.


The aim of this article is to discuss the concepts of law, politics and power in Michel Foucault, as well as some possible interrelations between both. This proposal is justified because some semesters have been discussed with academics of a course of law in which I act, so that some perceptions can be thought and amplified from this author. It starts from the questioning underneath the nuances of the work of the said author, are in fact base to think the right in the contemporaneity, considering that, the same one does not write directly for this field, although it touches on subjects that concern the law as a everything. The standard hypothesis is that Foucault and Law have a conceptual relationship from the fact that both are looking at social and structural issues. The research methodology uses the author's authoritative writings, as well as comments that can dynamize the analysis that has been deprecated. It is intended by results, to broaden the academic debate on what is considered one of the main theoreticians of the present time.


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