Self-mutilation Under The View Of Criminal Law: Crime Or Fundamental Law?


  • Fabrício Wantoil Lima
  • José Roberto Bonome
  • Fernando Lobo Lemes
  • Sandra Cristina Rodrigues Lopes



Self-mutilation, Criminal law, Human dignity, ECA, Harmful conduct


This article highlights the contemporary problem of self - mutilation, seeking to develop a reflection on the protection of protected legal interests, with special emphasis on the essential core of fundamental rights - life -, which must be interpreted extensively, since these fundamental rights seek to guarantee compliance with the most important constitutional precept: the dignity of man, the primary source of attention of the legal order. Considering the legal and theoretical contributions of authors from the area of Psychology, important aspects are revealed regarding the protection of the unimpeachable subject, the child or adolescent, highlighting the role of the jurisdiction in the fulfillment of the Statute of the Child and Adolescent - Law 8069/90 on the Policy of assistance to children and adolescents in order to truly ensure the full realization of children's rights. Throughout the text we seek to draw attention to the complexity of self-mutilating behavior and the need to provide protection standards to the subjects practicing this act, as well as the urgency to criminalize those who in some way encourage self-mutilation in order to curb this practice.


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