Characteristics of Nursing Profession in the Spanish Context from the Experience of Nursing
The overall objective of this research was to determine – from the discourse of the former Ayudantes Técnicos Sanitarios (Technical Nursing Assistants) who are pioneers in teaching the subject of "Nursing Fundamentals" – what the characteristics of the nursing profession are in the current Spanish context. The design was qualitative and analytical induction was used as methodological strategy. The sampling was theoretical and in-depth interview was used as a technique for data collection. For data analysis, the very analytic strategy of the grounded theory was used. Specific strategies were established to ensure the criteria of rigor. The project was approved by a committee of health care ethics and informed consent was given by all the participants, thus establishing a security protocol to ensure data confidentiality...
Keywords: Experience; Nursing; Nursing Fundamentals; Professional Role; Teachers.References
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