Actions of the Environmental Management Program in Companies in the Covid-19 Pandemic




pandemic, Covid-19, citizen formation, scientific negationism


The emergence of the new Coronavirus provided a series of reflections on different themes concerning society, since the most varied aspects were severely affected, such as the economy, education, physical, mental, and psychological health. In this sense, the Environmental Management Program in Companies - PGAMEM proposed the realization of thematic seminars with the goal of promoting discussions about the awareness of the academic community in the face of the circumstances created by COVID-19, where teachers and students linked to the program discussed topics related to the financial crisis, social inequality, mental health, emergency remote education, among other topics, seeking to promote a critical formation over any direct link to scientific denialism. PGAMEM is part of the extension programs linked to the State University of Paraíba, operating since 2008 when discussing themes related to environmental education in schools and large companies in the region of Campina Grande. Thus, the results of this research were obtained from a qualitative analysis based on the data received through the application of questionnaires through Google Forms as the seminars were held. Therefore, it was possible to perceive the need to discuss these themes to raise awareness of this research's target audience. Therefore, the research concluded its studies with satisfaction with the results by ensuring that participants gained knowledge in the face of the pandemic they faced.


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How to Cite

BORBA, Joellyson Ferreira da Silva; SOUSA, Antonio Augusto Pereira de; SILVA, Gilberlândio Nunes da; RODRIGUES, Dauci Pinheiro; RODRIGUES, Maria da Conceição Alves; NOGUEIRA, Hilda Camila Nascimento; SOUSA, Ianna Maria Sodré Ferreira de. Actions of the Environmental Management Program in Companies in the Covid-19 Pandemic. Fronteiras - Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science, [S. l.], v. 12, n. 2, p. 77–88, 2023. DOI: 10.21664/2238-8869.2023v12i2.p77-88. Disponível em: Acesso em: 21 jan. 2025.