Neuroeducación e Inclusividad en el Marco de la Comunicación y el Turismo




communication, inclusion, tourism, neuroeducation, education


The White Book of Design for Everyone at the University (2006), marked a turning point towards substantial changes in the study plans of the different Spanish universities. Public institutions explicitly support the current of thought of inclusiveness and universal respect by developing works that help students and teachers to cooperate in the University Training project in Design for Everyone. It is based on cooperation between different public administrations with private sector companies, both nationally and internationally.

Tourism graduates during the exercise of their profession interact with people who may have mobility difficulties or pathologies that may make it difficult for them to enjoy the touristic activity. Therefore, education and communication become the core of this research. Based on the application of a methodology of bibliographic analysis and official documents, the current situation is analyzed with the aim of promoting teaching with active learning styles that motivate the student to be trained to increase and facilitate the inclusion and enjoyment of all in the tourism sector, both by travelers and by the workers themselves. In this context, innovative tools, like neuro-education, must be considered as valid instruments.

Author Biographies

Almudena Barrientos-Báez, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Doctor with international mention Cum Laude in Education. Assistant Doctor at the Complutense University of Madrid. She was Director of the Enabling Master's Degree in Teacher Training at the European University of Madrid. Master in Management of Protocol, Production, Organization and Design of Events - COMMUNICATION area - (Univ. Camilo José Cela) and Master in Management of Tourist Accommodation (Univ. Girona). Degree in Tourism (Univ. de La Laguna) and Teaching (Univ. Valencia).

Her research work is linked directly and also transversally to Neuromarketing, Neurocommunication, Gender, use of Social Networks, Communication, PR and ICT. h-index 12.

It is part of the Public Audiovisual Media Project before the ecosystem of platforms: models of management and evaluation of the public value of reference for Spain, (PID2021-122386OB-I00), financed by the MCIN, AEI and FEDER, EU. Ministry of Science and Innovation. IP1 Miguel Túñez and IP2 Francisco Campos.

She is part of the research team of the RTVE Chair of the University of Santiago de Compostela on Public Service Media in Europe.

It is part of the Innovation Project 2022-2023 Innova-Teaching. Project No. 242 Strategies to favor University-Company communication and promote the employment of students throughout their training career.

She is part as a researcher of the Chair of Education in Emerging Technologies, Gamification and Artificial Intelligence of the Pablo de Olavide University, in Seville. Promote an integrated system of research, training, information and dissemination activities in the field of Education and Technology (EduEmer).

It is part of the Article 83 project through the Complutense Concilium Validated Research Group (931.791) of the Complutense University of Madrid: Customer referral and loyalty programs in Spanish companies.

She is part of the research group 940350 Creation and psychosocial and cultural effects of audiovisual discourse at the Complutense University of Madrid.

It is part of the RTPE project (European Public Radio Television):

She was part of the project New values, governance, financing and public audiovisual services for the Internet society: European and Spanish contrasts (RTI2018-096065-B-I00) of research of the State R&D&I Program oriented to the Challenges of Society of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU), State Research Agency (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). IP1 Francisco Campos Freire. IP2 Miguel Tunez Lopez.

She is part of the working group of the project Competitiveness Monitor of the Island of Tenerife: Economic Development and Sustainability (Expte. 069-2020). IP1 Eduardo Parra López.

Member of the Research Team: Communication and Education Office. Department of Journalism and Communication Sciences of the UAB.

Associate Researcher of the research project Ring of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, code SOC180045, entitled: "Converging Horizons: Production, Mediation, Reception and Effects of Representations of Marginality", according to Affect Res. No. 025 dated November 22, 2018 and Res. Ex. No. 2000-136 dated December 27, 2018. 305 thousand Euros during the 3 years; University of La Frontera as Main Institution.

She was part of the (micro) Machismos project. A project for the Depo-Uvigo Feminisms 4.0 Chair (2021 call). Women from Pontevedra in the network. Analysis of discourse, micromachismos and hate speech on Twitter.

It is part of the Article 83 project through the Complutense Concilium Validated Research Group (931.791) of the Complutense University of Madrid: Documentary research on customer referral and loyalty programs.

She was part of the project New values, governance, financing and public audiovisual services for the Internet society: European and Spanish contrasts (RTI2018-096065-B-I00) of research of the State R&D&i Program oriented to the Challenges of the Society of the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (MCIU), State Research Agency (AEI) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). IP1 Francisco Campos Freire. IP2 Miguel Tunez Lopez.

She was co-host of the weekly program “Miceando, Turismo en Radio” for two years. Activate Radio.

David Caldevilla-Domínguez, Univesidad Complutense de Madrid


Degree and Doctor in Information Sciences (Audiovisual Communication from the U. Complutense). Diploma in Teaching (U. of Zaragoza). Professor at the Faculty of Information Sciences of the UCM. Professor at: U. Complutense, U. Europea de Madrid, IED, ESERP and IPAM (Oporto -Portugal-). 6th Spanish author in works published in the area of ​​communication, 13th in cited articles and 20th in citations received from 747 total authors.

Speaker and lecturer in various courses and professor in several own titles (Telemadrid, Walter & Thompson, McCann...). Secretary General of the SEECI (Spanish Society for Ibero-American Communication Studies), of the History of Information Systems (HISIN) and of the “International Forum on Communication and Public Relations†(Forum XXI).

Principal Investigator (PI) of the Complutense Research Group 'Concilium'. Author of more than 90 scientific articles and 6 books: Asturias and La Rioja, a common history, Spielberg's seal, Culture and Public Relations, Public Relations Manual, Public Relations and its foundation and The internal face of business communication. Director of 7 doctoral theses (2 with European mention).

Member of scientific committees in numerous congresses and international scientific journals. Speaker at more than 90 international conferences. Invited signature in various publications and radio Tertuliano. h-index 21.

Eduardo Parra-López, Universida de la Laguna

Departamento: Dirección de Empresas e Historia Económica

 Instituto de investigación: Instituto Universitario de Investigación Social y Turismo

 Área: Organización de Empresas

 Grupo de investigación: Laboratorio de análisis del turismo (TURiLAB)

 Grupo de investigación: Grupo de Investigación de Análisis Estratégico (GIAE)

 Área de investigación: Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas

 Doctor por la Universidad de La Laguna con la tesis Determinantes estratégicos para la obtención de ventajas competitivas en el canal de distribución de servicios turísticos 2002. Dirigida por Dr/a. Juan Ramón Oreja Rodríguez, Dr. Antonio Arbelo Álvarez.


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How to Cite

BARRIENTOS-BÁEZ, Almudena; CALDEVILLA-DOMÍNGUEZ, David; PARRA-LÓPEZ, Eduardo. Neuroeducación e Inclusividad en el Marco de la Comunicación y el Turismo. Fronteiras - Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 4, p. 288–303, 2022. DOI: 10.21664/2238-8869.2022v11i4.p288-303. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.



Edição Especial Educação 2024