Governance and Healthy Organizational Practices of Three Schools in Chile and their Impact on Employee Engagement and Burnout




gobernanza de entidades educativas, prácticas organizacionales saludables, engagement, burnout, COVID-19


The work routine of education workers has been modified by the COVID-19 pandemic. Technological transformations in the delivery of educational services have been an extra stress factor. The adaptation to all this and the well-being of the workers depend to a great extent on the governance and management developed by the schools. The main objective of this work is to study the governance of three schools in Chile, analyzing the perception of healthy organizational practices (POS) of workers and the impact they have on engagement and burnout. For this purpose, an analysis and comparison of the perception of healthy organizational practices (HOP) of the employees of the selected schools is carried out. This is a research with a correlational-explanatory methodological approach. To obtain the information, a questionnaire was applied to 231 workers. Through the application of ANOVA we found significant differences between the three schools for healthy organizational practices, engagement and emotional exhaustion; the workers of the school that have higher perceptions of healthy organizational practices, also have higher scores in engagement and lower scores in emotional exhaustion, which is corroborated when performing the correlations between the variables. These results place the school with higher scores as a possible healthy organization.


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How to Cite

ACUñA-HORMAZABAL, Alvaro; MENDOZA-LLANOS, Rodolfo; LUENGO-MARTÍNEZ, Carolina; GANGA-CONTRERAS, Francisco. Governance and Healthy Organizational Practices of Three Schools in Chile and their Impact on Employee Engagement and Burnout. Fronteiras - Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science, [S. l.], v. 11, n. 4, p. 224–235, 2022. DOI: 10.21664/2238-8869.2022v11i4.p224-235. Disponível em: Acesso em: 23 feb. 2025.



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