Alinhamento de Pesquisas Científicas com os ODS da Agenda 2030: um Recorte Territorial




Sinergias entre os ODS, Interdisciplinaridade, Coprodução do Conhecimento, Territorialização da Ciência


The scientific community had a pivot role in the uprise of a global development agenda built upon goals (the 17 Sustainable Development Goals – SDG), targets, and indicators. In its turn, Agenda 2030 has prompted the scientific community to assess its research output against the agenda itself. In this context, there has been a widespread adoption of SDG mapping approaches, but rare attempts to investigate their results. This study aims to explore the application of one of these approaches to scientific research regarding a territory: Metropolitan Region of Curitiba (southern Brazil). We adopted the SDG mapping approach of Körfgen et al. (2018). We consulted articles and reviews indexed to Scopus, Web of Science and Scielo in the period 2010-2019. Relative Activity Index (RAI) and network visualization analysis were employed, with the latter being supported by the software VOSviewer. The following co-occurrences networks were generated: institutional co-authoring, SDG interactions, topic map and interdisciplinary relations. Subject fields of a document were defined as the main subject fields of the corresponding authors. As a finding of this study, most documents were mapped to at least one SDG. This pattern remained as we replicated the procedures to other territories. Good Health and Well-being held the highest fraction of publications for Metropolitan Region of Curitiba. However, RAI showed that such a high fraction is to be expected for Brazilian cities. Interestingly, RAI indicated that Metropolitan Region of Curitiba is far below the country and the world when it comes to No Poverty and Zero Hunger, while these are imminent challenges for the region. The network analysis presents empirical evidence that the topics of the SDG are strongly intermingled, thereby supporting the claim that focusing on the interactions and synergies between the SDGs may be a better approach to implementing Agenda 2030 than pursuing each SDG individually. Focusing on such interactions and synergies will require inter and transdisciplinary efforts.


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How to Cite

GAERTNER, Elaine Wantroba; KUSTER DE OLIVEIRA, Rafael; LIMONT, Marcelo; FERNANDES, Valdir. Alinhamento de Pesquisas Científicas com os ODS da Agenda 2030: um Recorte Territorial. Fronteiras - Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 2, p. 26–45, 2021. DOI: 10.21664/2238-8869.2021v10i2.p5568. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.



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