The Contribution of Leo Waibel to the Knowledge of Agrarian Colonization in Brazil in the 20th Century


  • Gerd Kohlhepp Universidade de Tübingen, Alemanha.



Leo Waibel, Agrarian Colonization, Goiás, South Brazil, Pioneer Zones, Brazilian-German Collaboration of Geographers


At the height of his scientific career, Leo Waibel was fired in 1937 from his chair of geography because of political reasons by the Nazi administration of the University of Bonn and banned from performing any activities at German universities. In exile in the United States (1939-46) he worked in research and was invited in 1946 by the Conselho Nacional de Geografia in Rio de Janeiro as scientific consultant of this government institution. With his working group of talented young Brazilian geographers he addressed the topics of agrarian colonization and land use as well as the paradigm of Brazilian agriculture, using only forests for agrarian colonization and campos areas for extensive cattle ranching. He started intensive research on smallholders´ problems, being ignored in Brazil so far. In Goiás the conditions for agrarian colonization in the “Mato Grosso de Goiás” and the possibilities of land use on the Campos cerrados were studied. Research on the Planalto Central enabled the contract for an expedition to define the location of the future capital of Brazil. Afterwards Waibel focused his attention on the fundamentals of European colonization in Southern Brazil and the different land use systems. Reasons for the small number of successful smallholdings were errors in the location of settlement areas without considering landscape elements and climatic conditions, small plots, inheritance by equal division and distance to market centers. Analyzing the dynamic pioneer zones in South, Southeast Brazil and the Planalto Central was another highlight of his research. Waibel´s scientific results were highly acknowledged and his reputation made his collaborators define a division in CNG activities before and after Waibel´s presence with a much higher standard. As a very involved scientist, with new research methods in field work and a high work ethic Waibel greatly stressed what he had learned in Brazil. He saw Brazil, the largest tropical country, as the ideal field for a planned “geography of the tropics”. Some of the members of his working group, e.g. Orlando Valverde, became leading geographers in Brazil. Before leaving Brazil in 1950 Leo Waibel invited his former assistant Gottfried Pfeifer from Heidelberg University to a stay for research in Brazil, starting a long lasting period of collaboration between Brazilian and German geographers.

Author Biography

Gerd Kohlhepp, Universidade de Tübingen, Alemanha.

Professor Emérito da Cátedra de Geografia Econômica e Social, Instituto de Geografia da Universidade de Tübingen, Alemanha. Ex-Diretor do Centro de Pesquisas de Geografia sobre a América Latina (CPAL). Membro da Academia Brasileira de Ciências.


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* Para a bibliografia completa de Leo Waibel e as apreciações sobre Leo Waibel vide: Pfeifer G, Kohlhepp G (eds.) 1984. Leo Waibel als Forscher und Planer in Brasilien (Leo Waibel como pesquisador e planejador no Brasil) (Trad. G Kohlhepp). Erdkundliches Wissen, 71. Wiesbaden, Stuttgart, Franz Steiner, 118-123.



How to Cite

KOHLHEPP, Gerd. The Contribution of Leo Waibel to the Knowledge of Agrarian Colonization in Brazil in the 20th Century. Fronteiras - Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 3, p. 69–87, 2019. DOI: 10.21664/2238-8869.2019v8i3.p69-87. Disponível em: Acesso em: 4 jan. 2025.