Transfrontier Exchange for Modelling Good Practices in Social Intervention Based on PAR: The Case of the Sarea Project


  • Mabel Segú Odriozola Universidad de Deusto
  • Edurne González Goya



Methodological Design, Participatory Action Research Methodology, Qualitative Research Model; Social Work


Application of the Participatory Action Research methodology allows a reflective, systematic and critical scientific procedure that aims to study some aspect of the reality, of the problem situation, with the express purpose of transforming and freeing the community. This is the methodological design that the transfrontier project SAREA has selected to create synergies between practitioners from the social action field in Spain and France and search for the best practices to empower social services users. The opportunities for exchange that are created afford the possibility of actors sharing what is being done and how, based on a reflective and collaborative work to mutually learn the good practices presented. In their role as facilitators, the education bodies leading the project will seek to systematise the co-constructed knowledge in the exchange and prompt the emergence of the "good work model" that underpins the practices submitted. The value added of this inter-professional cooperation translates as conceptualisation of practices for their transfer at the territorial level as well as joint building of educational projects that provide our students with a background that addresses the reality they will be facing in their future careers in a creative, constructive and collaborative manner.  

PAR based research methodology not only allows participants to actively collaborate in the diagnostics and identification of good practices that may empower their Social Services users and families. It also generates synergies with extremely positive effects, in the socio-political context as well as the professional and personal spheres: Generating knowledge Contact and exchange between practitioners from both territories boosts acquisition of mutual knowledge and enriches the different professional practices and intervention types. Reflection-based action: At the present time, with the frenetic activity of our daily work, creating permanent networks gives practitioners the opportunity for continuous evaluation of their practice. Modelling good practices The PAR methodology enables co-generation of co constructed knowledge based on reflection and systematisation of daily practice. Training: These emerging models will be used as teaching resources to train practitioners, students from the social fields to prepare them for professional life, teaching staff, students and host families. Replicability These "good work" models for good practices will be collected and used to create theoretical premises for future dissemination and seek replicability in other contexts and territories to contribute to excellence in social intervention. And finally, Social transformation: Starting from shared and modelled action based on reflection, the intention is to provide services that guarantee the Social Services users' and their families' empowerment in their active role in social care processes. This co-construction working methodology implies social innovation in the Social Services field.


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How to Cite

SEGÚ ODRIOZOLA, Mabel; GOYA, Edurne González. Transfrontier Exchange for Modelling Good Practices in Social Intervention Based on PAR: The Case of the Sarea Project. Fronteiras - Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science, [S. l.], v. 8, n. 1, p. 57–71, 2019. DOI: 10.21664/2238-8869.2019v8i1.p57-71. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.



Dossier - Qualitative Research