Simulation and Hydrologic Modeling of Urban Watershed for Flooding Forecast: The case of the Rio das Antas in the city of Anápolis-GO
The study area is located along the Rio das Antas basin in the city of Anápolis, Goiás. This study exemplifies an urban area exposed to flooding by rainwater. Decline in the permeability of the river basin area is result of significant real state development in recent years. This study proposes to simulate water flows and respective flooding areas along different sections of the River in response to different rainfall intensities. The simulated flow rates are the result of interpretation of land use scenarios and hydrologic modeling of the river basin area. The rational method and the Bernoulli equation were used in the hydraulic simulation model of the computer program HEC-RAS (Hydrologic Engineering Center's River Analysis System)...References
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How to Cite
ARGOLO, Eduardo Dourado; DELLA GIUSTINA, Carlos Christian. Simulation and Hydrologic Modeling of Urban Watershed for Flooding Forecast: The case of the Rio das Antas in the city of Anápolis-GO. Fronteiras - Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 3, p. 252–270, 2016. DOI: 10.21664/2238-8869.2016v5i3.p252-270. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 dec. 2024.
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