Use of Technologies and Process Teaching of Mathematics in Secondary Education in the State of Goiás-Brazil
This paper presents partial results of research thesis entitled "The use of technology and the mathematics’ teaching and learning process in Goiás high school state - human and social factors for the deployment" developing in Society, technology and Environment Post-Graduate Program of Annapolis - UniEvangélica University Center and aims to analyze the inclusion / or non-inclusion of digital technologies in mathematics’ teaching and learning process in Goiás state public education. Thus, we selected 5 (five) schools in the cities of Catalão, Goiânia, Jussara, Luziania and Porangatu representative of five meso-regions of the State. Initial results reveal a disturbing picture, despite the society’s demands of XXI century, in relation to the new educational paradigm through the inclusion of digital technologies in education.
Keywords: Technology; Teaching and Learning; Teacher Training in Mathematics and Infrastructure.References
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