Keratocyst treatment: case report


  • Ana Beatriz Teodoro dos Anjos Centro Universitário de Anápolis
  • Ana Clara Medeiros Pires
  • Marcyele Natane da Silva Morais
  • Brunno Santos de Freitas Silva
  • Satiro Watanabe
  • Wilson José Mariano Júnior
  • Mário Serra Ferreira



Cysts are pathological cavities internally surrounded by epithelium which has a fluid or semifluid material
inside, consisting of epithelial lining, wall and lumen. Keratocyst corresponds to approximately 11% of all
maxillary cysts, with aggressive behavior and high recurrence rates. Its etiology is the epithelial remains of
the dental lamina. Careful analysis of the history of the disease and imaging tests, together with the
histological examination are of paramount importance for the correct diagnosis. This paper aims to report a
case of a 52-year-old female patient who presented large keratocyst in the right jaw body. The first
Anjos ABT, Pires ACM, Morais MNS, Silva BSF, Watanabe S, Mariano Júnior WJ, Ferreira MS
Sci Invest Dent. 2019;24(1):53-61 60
intervention took place in May 2018, and a total of three surgical procedures were performed. As treatment,
two cystic cavity decompressions were performed, followed by enucleation, sending the specimens for
anatomopathological examination, which confirmed the diagnostic hypothesis. Currently the patient is in
preservation every six months in the first year and thereafter annually for five years. After this period, the
patient will be discharged from the service with recommendations.

KEYWORDS: Odontogenic Cysts; Biopsy; Recurrence.

