Electronic apical location in deciduous teeth - Review of literature


  • Amanda Caixeta de Araújo Universidade Paulista
  • Carlos Rodolfo Mohn Neto




Objective – Perfom a review of the literature on the use of electronic apical locators during the determination of canal length in the endodontic treatment applied to the primary teeth. Methods - The work was done from the electronic literature, mainly according to research, both in patients submitted to treatment and in extracted teeth, found with a combination of "deciduous teeth" and "electronic apical locators". Results - The results have brought a reliable and acceptable applicability of the new generation apical locators, also in deciduous teeth, reducing radiation exposure, clinical time and radiographic limitations. Conclusion - Electronic apical localization is a possible auxiliary method to be applied during endodontic therapy in deciduous teeth even at some levels of root resorption.

