Evaluation of Self-Perception of Oral Health in the Quality of Life of members of UniATI elderly


  • Felipe Brandino Pimpão Rodrigues UniEvangelica
  • Paulo Victor Barreto da Hora UniEvangelica
  • Radmila Raíssa Lemos dos Santos UniEvangelica
  • Rebeca Matos de Oliveira Ribeiro UniEvangelica
  • Liliane Braga Monteiro dos Reis
  • Gisela Pina Regina elizabeth martins




The concept of Quality of Life includes the perception of the individual in general about cultural issues, habits and expectations, and some aspects, such as health, can interfere directly in this perception. Self-perception of the individual's oral situation, influences theis well-being and defines the demand for dental treatments. This research was carried out with the purpose of evaluating the quality of life through the self-perception regarding the oral health of the elderly members of the UniATI (Open University of the Third Age), through the GOHAI (Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index) instrument. The study included 43 elderly people, 65% were edentulous in at least one arch and 46% used partial removable dentures. The majority of the elderly (64%) made their current denture in less than 5 years. Regarding self-perception of oral health, 60% of the participants classified as moderate. It is believed that the results are due to the fact that the participants are independent and active elderly people, who participate in physical, labor, intellectual and entertainment activities offered by UniATI. In addition, they were rehabilitated in function and aesthetics, through the use of their denture. This highlights the importance of discernment about the particular health condition of each individual, where self-knowledge allows a reflection in search of a better quality of life.

