Infecção pelos vírus da hepatite B e C em pacientes de duas unidades de hemodiálise em Goiânia

Hepatitis B and C infection in a hemodialysis unit


  • Roberpaulo Anacleto Neves PUC Goiás
  • Cairo Roberto Gomes Neto
  • Ederjúnior Horácio da Silva



Hepatite B, Hepatite C, Diálise Renal, Prevalência, Fator de Risco


Objective: To determine the prevalence and risk factors associated with hepatitis B and C virus infection in chronic patients undergoing hemodialysis in two private hemodialysis clinics in Goiânia. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study, which evaluated adult patients with chronic kidney disease undergoing hemodialysis, in two private clinics in the city of Goiânia, from 2010 to 2018. Results: In this study, 120 patients from two were surveyed. hemodialysis clinics. Of this total, 60% were male and 73.3% were over 50 years of age, 82.5% (N=99) were cohabiting or married, 68.3% (N=82) were retired and 71.7% (N=86) had systemic arterial hypertension. A prevalence of 10.8% (N=13) for anti-HBc marker, 14.2% (N=17) for anti-HBs and 0.8% (N=1) seroprevalence for anti -HCV. Conclusion: The results of this research contribute to the recognition of public policy strategies, such as prevention and evidence-based decision-making for the planning of health actions and surveillance of vaccination against Hepatitis B, carried out effectively in hemodialysis centers. On the other hand, professionals working in hemodialysis units need to comply with the operating rules of hemodialysis centers in Brazil, which included prevention and control of Hepatitis B and C.


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