
  • Carine Medeiros de Sousa UFMA
  • Caroline Braga Barroso
  • Cássia Cardoso Costa
  • Kamila Almeida dos Santos



Relações Médico-Paciente. Assistência Centrada no Paciente. Assistência à Saúde.


The article aim to evaluate the perception of the relation doctor-patient by medical students of the Federal University of Maranhão during the course. This is a cross-sectional, quantitative approach, carried out between October 2017 to March 2018, in which two questionnaires were applied: Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale (PPOS) and Sociodemographic Questionnaire. The data collection included 181 students from a pedagogical model school of the Problem Based Learning (PBL). As a result, survey responses pointed to a PPOS total score of 4.34, meaning more doctor and disease centered attitudes; care of 4.78, demonstrating that the expectations, feelings and circumstances of the patient's life interfere with the treatment process, and, finally, power of 3.90, which infers a more focused attitude on the doctor, considering the ‘power’ of the doctor to decide the best behavior to be taken. The analysis of the results allowed to observe divergences with the literature, where the PBL model, instead of presenting attitudes more oriented to the patient, presented attitudes more oriented to the doctor and/or disease. Besides the relation of period and gender, there was no statistically significant association of any other variable in the sociodemographic questionnaire.


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